The charity event “The Best Traditions: We keep, we develop, we thank” was held at BMKK “Pradar”

On Saturday, September 28, the event “The Best Traditions: We keep, we develop, we thank” was held at the Pradar Horse Club. The evening began with the opening ceremony of the monument to the founder of modern dressage, James Phyllis, who held a speech: President of the Equestrian Russian Federation Marina Sechina, international master of equestrian sports and Olympic Games participant Viktor Kalinin, president of the “Pradar” Vita Kozlova and author of the James Phyllis biography "The Horseman of Europe" Gabriel Cortes.
The host of the opening ceremony was Dmitry Dibrov. To the sound of live music and splashes of champagne our guests were the first visitors to the exhibition "From Phyllis to Anastasiev", which could learn a lot from the history of the Russian riding school.
The culmination of the evening was the charity auction of the Vanya Foundation, which was brightly and brilliantly conducted by Dmitry Dibrov and Vita Kozlova. Exclusive lots were presented to the participants, in the struggle for which they managed to collect almost 2 million rubles. The collected funds were sent to the Vanya Charity Fund for Assistance to Russian Horsemen.
James Phyllis (1834-1913) - the famous equestrian rider of the second part of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the guardian who laid the foundations of the modern riding and equestrian school in Russia. The great contribution to the development of the dressage art of the Englishman James Phyllis attracted the attention of the highest ranks of the Russian army, and he was invited to the Higher Cavalry Officer School to the post of head riding teacher, where he served as colonel from 1898 to 1909. Phyllis outlined his theoretical views and practical recommendations in the book “Fundamentals of Dressage and Riding”, where the author summarized and supplemented the experience of his great teachers - Count D’Ora and Francois Bochet. The Phillies developed and systematized dressage techniques from the first steps to high school, putting forward the basic principle: “Forward, always forward!”, Which involves working out any element on the move of the horse.
Author: Edition
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